

Hello everyone! I'm soooo excited for my HUGE video tomorrow for 10k!! AHH! Please stay tuned :D. I'm so pumped for school to get over with...I'm drowning in homework this weekend but pushing it off until Monday LOL! I've been sewing quite a bit recently ;). Also I spilled chai tea on my keyboard two days ago :( Now my keys are sticky on the number pad xD. Omg is anyone obsessed with Penny Boards? I think they're so cool! Have a nice day!


Haven't blogged in forever

DAANGGG I'm slacking on my blog!! I apologize! So I re did my entire blog again since my last was wayyy to dark. I figured how to to do banners now :DD. I always had SO much trouble with banners but now I figured it out and I'll be happy to show anyone! There isn't much to say besides sorry that my Alarm series is so confusing xD. And a tad violent :P. I probably won't do another series thing like that again since my ideas always are confusing LOL! Have a nice day!